GFX, GFX, GFX and Text

It has been a while since an update, but that is because I have just been constantly working on it.

"Because, Science" graphics are 160X120 stretched to 640X480 and because of this the font I had to use was a measly 6px which made some of the text illegible. Especially things like "?" and "!" symbols.

But now using the GUI system I am able to overlay 640X480 of text over the stretched 160X120 graphics allowing me to use a 16px font which makes everything readable. And now that it is readable that "instrument" needs to be "vessel".

The other new feature is that any spoken text is now scrolled on to the screen, which is lovely. Different characters have different timbres and pitches it makes it more real-time instead of text just flashing on to the screen instantly.


Just for fun, I used the same city from "Zombie Drop" (mention in a previous post here) in "Because, Science" turning it from night to day.

Shrinking it down considerably I then coloured it in, repeated it and blurred it. Which now makes it pretty much unrecognizable, but still.

The end result gives it a nice blurred glass effect taking the game from

                                    this                                     to                                    this.

I know some pixel artists will be screaming out that using blurring might not fit with the aesthetic but it fits the story perfectly.
